Preparing Students for Their Future: Dual Enrollment in High Schools
Increasingly high
school students are taking advantage of the opportunity to attend college
courses while enrolled in high school.
This practice of dual enrollment offers a means for some students to get
a head start on their college career. Many
times the school district will pay for the students’ tuition, if they pass
their classes. This has the potential to
increase college attendance for many low income or minority students who are
underrepresented on college campuses.
The question that remains is how effective are dual enrollment programs?
A recent study
indicated that dual enrollment programs are working. They found that dual enrolled students out
performed traditionally enrolled students even in their second year of college (Crouse
& Allen, 2014). Furthermore, dual enrollment
increases student enrollment in four-year programs. The same study found that 58 percent of Iowa’s
dual enrolled students attended a four-year college compared to 42 percent of
all Iowa high school graduates (Crouse & Allen, 2014). However, another study found that students
who participate in dual enrollment in a four-year college were 200% more likely
to earn a four-year degree than those beginning in a community college (Pretlow,
2014). Dual enrollment increases student
attendance and performance in college; however, the direction that students
take after graduating high school is important to consider.
While dual enrollment
helps students to perform better in their college classes, high schools can
improve their dual enrollment programs. Dual
enrolled students are more likely to take introductory humanities courses than
math, sciences or career related courses (Crouse & Allen, 2014; Khazem
& Khazem, 2012). Khazem and Khazem
noted the importance of dual enrolled students receiving college level
counseling that focuses students on academic-career paths. Furthermore, they also point out that exposure
to career track courses provides students access to labs and facilities not
available in traditional high schools (Khazem & Khazem, 20012). Providing students with the opportunity to
learn more about the career path that they have decided upon can work to
increase students’ motivation to continue on to college once they graduate from
high school.
Scheduling and
transportation poses a potential barrier for many high schools when considering
dual enrollment. Enrollment through
online courses helps with scheduling and can help address the transportation
barrier that is common with minority students (Khazem & Khazem, 20012). However, this does not provide students with
the experience of attending school on a college campus with other college
students. For many students, the college
experience plays a key role in building student efficacy. Another option that also has similar drawbacks
is having the college instructor teach the class on the high school campus.
While dual enrollment
can play an important role in preparing high school students for college, high
schools can adopt practices that will increase student success in college. High schools can teach writing practices that
focus on substantiating one’s claims, and providing proper citations; use
syllabi modeled after ones used in college courses, and develop critical
thinking skills to prepare students for college (Khazem & Khazem,
Further Information
To learn about dual enrollment for you child, contact your child's high school.
J. D., & Allen, J. (2014). College Course Grades for Dual Enrollment
Students. Community College Journal Of Research & Practice, 38(6),
494-511. doi:10.1080/10668926.2011.567168
J. H., & Khazem, H. A. (2012). Dual enrollment: The way forward. International
Journal Of Education Research, 7(2), 135-150.
J. (2014). Dual enrollment, community colleges, and baccalaureate degree attainment. Community
College Journal Of Research & Practice, 38(2/3), 264-269.